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Thursday, 7 September 2006
going no-where fast, or so it seems

Well, it's been a while since I've posted or had anything worth posting, so it seems.  I've been floating around the 192-194 pound mark, for most of this time.  To my great surprise, still has me within the needing to lose 1.something pound per week report, which is also wonderfully encouraging - I'm not somewhere in need of losing 10 lbs per week to stick to my original goal!  yay!  Have no idea how I've managed that, as I really don't feel that I've lost much and it seems so much time has passed.

I've pretty much had to give up the idea of eating raw food - I'd been getting headaches.  The Jerusalem Diet doesn't require raw foods, but sometimes, raw fruits and veggies are the easiest to eat.

Lately, I've been trying to eat more soy - or drink in my case, I've bought some flax and soy cereal, but have consumed far more chocolate soy milk than any other soy product.  It is a little hard on the digestive system, so I have actually been balancing it out with (yes, raw) fruits and veggies, plus some fruit juice.  Actually, I haven't been too bad for headaches while doing that!  hmmm, surprise!  :-)  Also, I've been mostly buying So Good, with added flax oil - all the extra nutrients just have to be bonus!


Posted by kovacsfamily at 7:47 AM EDT
Tuesday, 18 July 2006
"I'm ready... promotion... I'm ready... "

oh! no, not really, though I write my coding exam in maybe two more weeks - and that will hopefully mean new job, new pay!  :-)

lol, and just that excited to be back on track!  190!!! and it's such a nice round number, too - like a mini goal!  :-D

Posted by kovacsfamily at 7:06 AM EDT
Monday, 17 July 2006
More C?...
It's hard to eat so much Kashi on a weekend, it seems.  Now, the weekend is over, we'll see how it goes - also going to try to eat as much vitamin C as I can - I have some apple sauce, some cranberry juice, canned pineapple and various frozen veggies - going to start with that!  I'll try for some sorce of C at each meal, plus the cereal.  :-)

Posted by kovacsfamily at 5:19 AM EDT
Sunday, 16 July 2006
So... just how bad can ice cream be, anyway?

I came down another pound, between yesterday and today and it's so hot, we're practically living off of ice cream!  I had two servings yesterday plus one of my 'diet shakes' (Nestle Good Start with chocolate syrup) and really not much else - maybe a tiny few Doritos, a couple of hot dogs and a cold cut sandwich.  OH! I even had a cherry-cheese danish at Tim Hortons, too!  So, diet-wise or even nutrition-wise, pretty bad day.  lol  I also need to drink more water.  I'll get there!

I think it's time for something different and I have lots and lots of Kashi Heart to Heart cereal still from our trip out west.  (can't buy it in Canada :p )  Just had some for breakfast and some probiotics - maybe can do the carbs without getting the headaches?!  worth a try!  :-)  As for goals, I'll stick to the pound a week - then I still know where I'm at and where I'm headed!  :-)


Posted by kovacsfamily at 8:08 AM EDT
Saturday, 15 July 2006
Down again...
Down one, not bad - just not back to where I should be, yet.

Posted by kovacsfamily at 7:17 AM EDT
Friday, 14 July 2006
Not Again...

193 - can't just take note of the good news, have to be honest, too.  Not sure what all I ate, yesterday, or just another serious case of dehydration - hot, sticky and ... I got to march with the pipe band at practice, last night!  first time and wasn't pretty, but no body took away my pipes and made me sit in the corner, either!  :-D  It was not easy, but soooo worth-while! :-D  Working on rehydrating already, here!  Have to work today, but will try to 'fat day' as best as possible, too.

Posted by kovacsfamily at 7:49 AM EDT
Wednesday, 12 July 2006
Well, I haven't had much to post, lately, I'm at my target weight for this week, actually a pound less - 191! yay! So, really, I'm all set for next week, too! :D

So, it's not like I'm forgetting to post or anything - have had computer problems which made it hard to post a few days ago when I hit 191. Just not much to talk about - losing the right amount of weight and feeling fine! (secretly squealing in delight - ooops did I type that?) lol

Posted by kovacsfamily at 12:41 PM EDT
Friday, 30 June 2006
They say you need to get sufficient sleep for weightloss to be most effective - well, that's just not an option, it seems. Getting so little sleep that I can't even seem to focus on what I eat:

I messed up so badly yesterday, it was pretty much a write-off - and I still came down a pound! I'm at my goal weight - 192! Yay! (first thing I ate wasn't even Jerusalem Diet! lol, it only went crazy from there, but still lots of veggies, nuts and seeds, anyway)

The other problem with getting so little sleep is I have no energy to do anything that burns calories. Trying to get more sleep.

Posted by kovacsfamily at 8:13 AM EDT
Thursday, 29 June 2006
New Week, New Goal
fourth attempt at this entry! :S

at 193, headed for 192! :-D

Posted by kovacsfamily at 9:04 AM EDT
Wednesday, 21 June 2006
I found my starting weight - and my goal weight!!! :-D
Yay! 193 is my goal for this week, then, and I did it! From there, I've gone ahead and set the rest of my goals! November 30, 2006 ~ 119 lbs! (74 weeks = 74 lbs) Talk about long term goals!

Since yesterday was a volunteer 'fat' day, I did really well, eating bananas and peanuts all day - until Sarah bought me a Snack and 1/2 and gave me some of her cookie. I also promised Wes some Caramilk Minis that I found, so we had just a few before bed. I did need to drink more water - will need to do better on that, 'fat' day or not. I also had a peanut butter cookie - almost all that extra food was after 8pm - which is supposed to be a big no no - so I'm actually surprised I still came down a pound.

Because I made my goal weight, I'm not going to do any more 'fat' days, this week, but just the fact that I still need to step on the scale each day and maintain my goal - I'll probably still do lots of veggies, veggie juice and nuts.

Posted by kovacsfamily at 6:42 AM EDT
Updated: Wednesday, 21 June 2006 6:49 AM EDT

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