Just click one and enjoy! Don't forget to come back here, though! ;-)
Great site for learning Scottish Gaelic
Please contact me if you'd like to learn Gaelic with me! Thanks!
Brantford Pipes and Drums
Tartan ID
Sharing In Faith!
Elm Trees!
Bible Study
Trevor and Ang's Excellent Adventure
Baha Bur / Bob Bur
Bethune Family Tartan!
Hilton Ministries: "Southern Gospel Music from Canada"
ClothEtc.com - diapers, clothing, accessories
Fly Lady - helps you 'fly' through home organization!
Freecycle.org: "changing the world one gift at at time"
"Learning Disability": A Rose by Another Name
The Teenage Liberation Handbook - a parenting must-have; don't wait until they're teenagers!!!
Brantford Homeschool Connection
Build your own Tripod Website! :-)
Steve's Favourites: