How can a Christian be a Medical Handologist???
As a Christian, I certainly was hesitant about becoming a Handologist, at first - it sounded
too much like Palmistry - something that actually was based upon an ancient and long lost science that has become
mystified and almost replaced by the addition of astrology. Then, as I looked into "Handology" more, and spent
time in prayer over it - I realized that the hand can tell as much about one's wellness as the eyes, tongue or hair.
As a Medical Handologist, too, I don't just look at the creases in the palm, but the entire
hand as a whole - muscle tone, skeletal structure, finger nails (as doctors used to check), skin texture, circulation, hair
colour and more.
One thing that caught me by surprise is a verse in the Bible - quoted in the book "Handology".
Job 37:7 ...
"Into the hand of every man he sealeth, For the
knowledge by all men of His work. " (YLT)
I wasn't sure of it, so I looked the verse up in several different translations.
"He (G)seals the hand of every man, That (H)all men may know His work. " (NASB)
"He sealeth up the hand of every man; that all men may know his work. " (KJV)
Even the two translations immediately above seem to make it out as God sealing
or stopping the hands of man, so that they either can recognize HIS work or man's work. Lots of time and prayer and
trust going into this. Because it's a bit fuzzy as to how to properly translate this, I don't use this verse to outright
justify my work - I'll leave it up to each individual to keep it in prayer and do what they feel is right before God.
My belief is that God is Master of my destiny and wellness, regardless of all else - as
in the final words of the song "In Christ Alone"...
"From life's first cry to final breath
Jesus commands my
No power of hell, no scheme of
Can ever pluck me from His hand
'Till He
returns or calls me home
in the power of Christ I'll stand"
I praise God for giving me a profession that allows me to share my Faith, which being
a Handologist has done more than any other job or career I've ever had.