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Let's Talk Curriculum!!!
Monday, 6 June 2005
Home Run Reading and Abeka
Home Run Reading

This program, I can't even find on the Internet. A friend got it, used, and was very successful with it and loaned it to me. It was produced by 'Educational Insight', but I see nothing similar on their webpage. It was published by 'Good Morning Teacher! Publishing Company', which I can't find at all. I think it's safe to say that the book is no longer in print - which is sad. It's not a terribly old book, the copyright dates are 1992, 1993 and 1994.

The program (book one, anyway) introduces one letter at a time, but the focus is on the sound of the letter. Each page is basically divided into 8 sections, each one being a chance to practice that day's lesson.

The first day, a single letter sound is learned. The next day, a second single letter sound which is learned independently and then also combined with the first letter learned, in order to make a word. The third day, the new word is practiced again, to help reinforce the learning. The fourth day, a third letter sound is introduced and then the fifth day, a new word is created and practiced, using the available sounds. It just continues on with one new sound at a time, until the entire alphabet is mastered.

I highly recommend keeping a lookout for this book (there is a teacher's guide, too) - at bookfairs, second-hand stores, where ever! It's good to have personally and a great item to share! ;-)

I think back to when Steve learned to read and how we used a similar approach. One sound at a time - our choice of first sounds included 'a' and 'd'. It really didn't take him long to figure out the sentence "Dad is mad at Thad" - it made him giggle - we actually knew a guy named Thad - not that Dad was truly mad at him! It was that day that Steve went from 'I can't read!' to being a good reader! :)

Monday, 23 May 2005

Abeka Books

Abeka offers a great program with high quality books full of details and information! The material is so well explained, older kids can practically teach themselves! It is a great program for students who like a challenge or who 'need' to achieve more to reach their goals in life. Students who aren't up to the pressure can still benefit from Abeka books - either by doing some of the work instead of trying to do it all or by doing it over more time than one grade per year. Finishing the grade 8 program still equates to a Canadian grade 12, so it is possible to ease up! One of the few that offers Creation Science, too!

Posted by kovacsfamily at 10:18 AM EDT
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