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Thursday, 15 February 2007
test didn't quite work as planned - retry...

testing my new updates!  maybe now it's easier for others to post, too!  it's all about learning, right?!  ;-)

and since I'm updating and testing, I might as well say that I've been back down, mostly 189 - 190, lately!  working towards fitting into a 'kilt' by this weekend!  will see how the combination of more water, plus Hoodia, "Slim-Fast Optima" and "The Fat Flush"works.  If all else fails, by tomorrow, I'll be doing something like the Jerusalem Diet, again!  it's good for reducing inches!  I forgot to weigh myself, this morning, before eating, so I'll maybe check out my 'kilt', instead and see where I'm at and where I need to be!  since raw foods give me headaches, I might have to try TJD with cooked veggies, instead!  for a couple of days, I can do anything, right?!

Posted by kovacsfamily at 8:44 AM EST

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