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Group One

Sunday, 1 October 2006
Awww, back up that pound, but ...

yesterday was a day at the Caledonia Fair, too, so I'm still full of hope.  Plus supper at Grandma's and I'd only had my one shake - I had the second with a very small supper - have to have some of the soup that she'd made - and she bought Kremes (dessert) - can't pass that up! 

Now, Norfolk County Fair, all week, this coming week - I'd better be prepared to fight fire with fire or I'll really be in trouble!  Plus, there's the possiblity of Thanksgiving dinner, too...  maybe if this week I can keep from gaining weight!  Maybe that should be my goal?!  Will try to keep updating, for sure - hold myself accountable, if nothing else!

Posted by kovacsfamily at 7:53 AM EDT

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